To start off this issue, I did something different since I had zero ideas for questions. I decided to get a question from someone in the Facebook group. It was sort of a contest, the prize being an administrative position in the group, and Twiggy got the highest number of votes. So with these whiteboards, we’re doing a little time travel and/or reflection. In order, the responders are Twiggy, Ian (his post was replied to by Twiggy, then Frofro), Keith, Sara, and me (yes, I decided to answer the question for once).
In case you can’t read Sara’s, it says, “I would honestly want to go to the future. Not the past. -_- So, can that be the next question?” We’ll see, darlin’, we’ll see.
Another friend of mine had a whiteboard of her own that caught my eye, and all I have to say is that I couldn’t agree more, Kseniya. Just re-label that whale-shark with “First Semester” in general, and you’ve got the story of my life.
Now I don’t know if any of you follow on Facebook, but I found something from him/her that all hypochondriacs can appreciate. Apparently all that complaining we do…is actually good for us! You heard me; we’ve got a legit doctor, David Solly, on our side who says complaining makes us feel physically better. Right on!
Speaking of complaining, who doesn’t complain about their parents being too nosy? They’re always unhealthily concerned about us, and when something doesn’t seem right, they start searching our rooms, our sock drawers…and even our computers. Might I take a moment to ask how many of you tend to stay logged in to Facebook? I would strongly advise changing that lazy habit, or your parents will troll you so bad you’ll have to move to a new city. Just see what happened to this little hot-shot named Chris.
Something tells me that kid Chris currently goes by the name “Justin Bieber”.
Before you decide to hate me for saying that, give me a chance to tell you a completely unrelated story to distract you. This one comes from Trent, who says he had a teacher this past semester with a rather…profane…habit, if you will. Apparently a certain Dr. V loves to find ways to flip off his students. It’s simply a matter of preferring the middle finger over the index finger when it comes to pointing at things, but there came a time when said middle finger was used to demonstrate an object perpendicular to a horizontal pipe he’d drawn on the board. Trent would never speak badly of this teacher, however, and instead he says you can learn a lot from him (besides sign language, of course). His only complaint is that Dr. V (is for Vendetta) is a harsh grader, and when he puts that “F” on your paper…well, we all know what that stands for.
In case you haven’t had enough stories, Keith has another one for you, and it’s been passed around chain letters for years.
“I was at WalMart buying a bag of Purina dog chow for my dog , in the check-out line when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. Why else would I be buying dog chow, RIGHT ??? So on impulse I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again, and that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in intensive care, with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a Perfect Diet and all you do is load your pockets with Purina Nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story.) Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care, because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I stepped off a curb to sniff a poodle's butt and a car hit me. I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard. Better watch what you ask me and be prepared for my answer. I have all the time in the world to think of crazy things to say........................ Now that you've read it I have to confess, I copied it from someone else… share and make someone else smile today.”
I hope that story’s real. And more than that, I hope this story inspired people to invent their own stories any time someone asked them a stupid question. I know, some people ask stupid questions just to start a conversation, but what better conversation could there be than this? You don’t risk sharing personal information, because you’re lying the whole time. So really, you’re both protecting yourself and entertaining someone else. The FBI will never know what to do with you.
We don’t really have too many sentimental moments in this blog, but it is the winter season after all. I found this picture forever ago, but I could never fit it with standard material. So here you have the best way to troll ever…if you intend to make someone feel good about themselves.
Sweet, right? Cuddles and fluff and all that other fun stuff? Yeah, that’s great. Moving on.
Along the line of old photos, I have one that was supposed to go in the last issue, but I had so much material I forgot about it. The story behind it is that I walked into the elevator one day, and there was a guy standing on one side and a tall box on the other. As soon as I pressed my floor’s button and we started moving, a girl exploded out of the box and scared me half to death. Turns out she and the guy had been doing this for a while just out of boredom. I thought it was pretty funny, so I asked if she wouldn’t mind letting me get a photo for my blog. So here she is, ladies and gentlemen: Box Girl.
Surprises don’t always have to be quite as sudden as Box Girl’s method, however. In fact, it’s a little more fun if you can trick someone for a longer period of time, like the way Dean and Rog do on their radio show. When I lived in Magnolia, my dad and I would always listen to their show when he drove me to school, and they never failed to make me laugh. Their show works like this: someone calls them and gives them a little information about a loved one or a friend whose birthday is coming up soon, and on that person’s birthday, they call them pretending to be someone who could rile them up, whether it be someone with the homeowner’s association or just a customer. I strongly recommend that you go to the website and listen to the episode from our favorite date, 11/11/11, in which Dean and Rog call a Hispanic lady named Laura pretending to be from the immigration office.
It’s true; politics are a dangerous topic. Normally I try to avoid bringing a conversation to that, but I suppose since I’ve allowed immigration to make an appearance in this blog, I can make a little room for Herman McCain. Let’s face it; politicians troll, too, and none do it better than this guy, whose entire campaign is based off of… well, I’ll just let you hear what Rachel Maddow has to say about it so you don’t get mad at me. This video is thirteen minutes long, but you can get all the info you need in the first three (click here).
Chinese food. Just the thought makes you happy, right? Lots of fried things and noodles and sauces…what’s not to love? There’s so much to choose from, but let’s just say you’re a broke college student like me and you can’t afford to buy fifty different Chinese take-out boxes with all your favorite munchies. So where do you go? The Chinese buffet, of course! Get as much as you want of everything you want for around eight bucks. But when you finally get full, do you leave just like you’d leave Golden Corral? Oh, no. Because Americans can’t properly cook Chinese food, and we want more! Now I hate to rain on your parade, but the Golden Dragon restaurant has a problem with people like you. They don’t like it when you get full and stick around hoping to get hungry again, so they made this sign.
And I’d be willing to bet that when you drove by that sign, your car gauges morphed into this.
Thank you Ruffles for that picture, by the way (I think he found it on TexAgs).
The last commercial trolling item I have for this issue comes from Ian, who wrote, “If you read the preview of Kingdoms of Amalur on along the right side of the screen it has some information about the game, you see this ridiculousness regardless of whether you check the preview for the ps3, xbox360, or pc version.” Here’s the ridiculousness he’s talking about below.
I have to ask…is it available on PC? Are you sure? I mean, I’m really having my doubts here.
Now we begin to venture into Christmas territory, and who’s better to start with than the Sully statue? I keep thinking I’m done taking pictures of him, but someone always manages to put something new at his feet, and with finals being the last thing before break, people were getting desperate.
Sadly enough, many of those bills blew away, and eventually all were pocketed (surprise, surprise). Then people decided the best way to leave a dollar that would surely stay at Sully’s feet…was to make a tree out of pennies.
My guess is that after that, some students still weren’t doing well on their finals, so they decided they needed to be direct with Sully and write him a letter.
Amen to that. Seriously, I was praying for the exact same thing.
Anyway, most of us made it through finals unscathed, but things at Texas Tech looked a little worse. It seems that finals there really took a toll on people’s sanity until finally some hooligan (word is interchangeable with “Texas Tech student”) started running around the library in his underwear and a cape (click here). Thanks to Lacy (yes, she’s a Tech student, but she’s cool) for this video.
Finally I can start writing about this issue’s main topic (which I was directed to by Sean): Physics Clown. It all started on May 4, 2010, when TexAg user HipHopAggie posted a complicated physics question on the forum in hopes of receiving some help. A few people responded, which normally would end the thread, but then Physics Clown (formerly GTech Ag) posted this photo.
The forum blew up over this topic, and others began posting their physics questions just to see this guy respond. He seemed to enjoy the attention, and he resumed responding to questions by posting creepy pictures of himself in his clown mask. One even included a gun in the background.
Such a strong fan base developed that he began posting non-physics-related photos. This one is my favorite.
At one point Physics Clown went to some sort of convention and got pictures with various costumed persons. However, it seems he really ticked some people off.
Can you blame them, though? I mean who lets a creepy clown wander around public places without a straight jacket on? User BRP summed it up when he/she said Physics Clown reminded him/her of the clown in Zombieland (click here). And other A&M students must agree or they wouldn’t have started this movement all across campus.
Well that concludes this Christmas blog and also the first half of WB&TR. I can’t believe a semester has already passed us by. So for making it this far, I have a gift for you viewers, and that is a picture of me trolling in the real world. I trolled my parents by wrapping their gifts in this paper.
All it is is packing paper with “I am a broke college student who can’t afford wrapping paper,” written all over it. I hope I have brightened your day. And before I sign off, be aware that our Christmas dragon, Sarajevo, will be counting your views.
Merry Christmas, and keep trolling!