I just want to say that this post has something amazing in it, which I will save for last. That way, you can enjoy the mediocrity of my board instead of having it be spoiled by that amazing item. Anyway...
My question from last post was, "I'm Red Panda. What's your animal?" Here are the three responses to that:
I'm guessing there's some new badger fad that I'm unaware of (and whoever wrote "poop" was just trolling unless that's some new island animal or whatever...it'd probably be in Hawaii). Doesn't intrigue me, really. Now if it were llamas, on the other hand...
Anyway, you might be mildly surprised into epileptic shock that I posted another question. The reason for that is simply that someone who passed by my door just really didn't like the animal question and erased it. So I figured I could post another question, which ended up being really stupid since I was stressed last week over all my homework. I asked, "So who's loving that homework?" and actually got responses.
That is, I got responses completely unrelated to my question unless Mary Jane meant to say he/she was getting high instead of doing his/her homework...or that he/she loved how soft and awesome-looking his/her homework was. As for 447A, I guess they'd seen how long that question had been up and realized I didn't really care for the answer. I'm glad they want me to come say "hi". I shall. And I should probably say "hi" to those other people who first wrote on my blog...
Now for the most amazing thing posted in this blog thus far. Although it's not a whiteboard, remember that this blog is for whiteboarding AND trolling, and this is a prime example of trolling. Here's the story: this guy I know, Frofro, has a consistent order at Happy Yogurt of two happy buns and a shake. I walked into HY one night when only he and Koda were there, learned of his order and jokingly said, "Well I got two buns and a shake right here!" and started dancing, just a little. Frofro wanted a special name for his order and settled on, "The Stripper" after that night. At first, Koda said she didn't want to advertise that, but what I have for you viewers today is one of Koda's official advertisements for this order as a result of Frofro's friends who are also in the Car Club with him (they called the order by name, thus it stuck). Thank you, Car Club, for being awesome trolls.
Well I'm afraid that's all I have for today, so if you're in College Station, get your happy buns on down to Happy Yogurt and order some...with a shake!
Peace out, you guys, and keep trolling.