Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What This Blog Is All About

Whiteboarding & T-rolling (WB&TR) is a blog meant to keep up with things that are drawn/written on the whiteboard outside my dorm door. See, I haven't had the chance to go knocking on all the doors in Traditions to meet my neighbors, nor do I want to get my courage up only to knock on the doors of people who don't really want to meet me.
So here's where the whiteboard comes in. When I first put my whiteboard up, I left a note on it, saying, "Bored? Draw me a picture." Then I added, "...and don't be a troll," after someone drew a penis on it. After erasing the "junk", my whiteboard got a decent picture of 2 stick-people with a note from 501 saying, "Don't be a stranger!" I left that up, thinking that it'd be the only message I'd get for a while, only to get 2 more messages within a couple days. Apparently there's spaghetti in room 434 (is that code for something?), and apparently the person who left his/her phone number wants me to call him/her. Needless to say, I discovered that my whiteboard might be the key to meeting my neighbors or even other people outside Traditions.
Now, I intend to change out my messages on the board and see what kind of responses I get. If something epic ninja's its way up there, I'll be sure to take a picture of it and post it.
So the question I'm awaiting a response to now is, "What's your favorite snowcone flavor? Or just draw a kitteh."

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