Thursday, September 8, 2011

Facebook & 1st Features

Yesterday, I made a Facebook group for the blog and added a bunch of people who I thought might be interested. So far, I've received several positive responses (maybe around ten, but that's a lot to me) and have even obtained an idea that will make this blog a lot more interesting. See, my friend Devon posted the first inkling of this magical idea, saying she might have some old photos from her whiteboard during her freshman year (she was in a very good location, thus epicness ninja'd its way onto her board). Then one of my other friends, Ian, posted later, saying he was determined to get the most epic whiteboard ever. That is how it has come about that now all of my friends can post pics of their whiteboards on the FB group, and I will upload the best of those to this blog. So yay...and stuff.

Anyway, for those of you in the FB group, you're probably thinking, "Yada-yada-yada we've heard all this already, because we're the super special informed group." And right you are! So now it's time for the next subject of interest: the answers to the last question I posted. I asked, "What's your favorite snowcone flavor? Or just draw a kitteh." People only drew kittens, so I guess they only like kitten-flavored snowcones. I would've taken a picture, but that one person drew a penis again, this time covering other people's artwork. And if y'all don't like that "p-word", don't worry; I'm not going to write about that person anymore. But if y'all plan to write/draw on my board, just know that inappropriate content will not be featured in this blog.

I added a new question to the board, this time asking how people feel about being featured in the blog. Of course, I requested that they draw an emoticon. So far, I've gotten two emoticons that are not necessarily encouraging, those being :/ and >:O. But I haven't closed the question yet, so hopefully somebody will be happy about it. Or really my hope is that those two were just being trolls (and remember, being a troll is not always a bad thing, so I don't always mean it as an insult).

Before I go to features, I just want to give one more update. For my actual board, I cut off the corner of a Target bag and taped it beneath the board as a marker boat since I have three markers that take up way too much canvas space. That is all.

I am a genius.

Now it's time for features. First up is Jess, who claims to live on somewhat of a Hogwarts-y campus with stone buildings. And oddly enough, the houses/dorms are named after different areas of Hogwarts (I think...I've never read the HP series). She said her roommate put up notes with tabs for the different houses/dorms so that people could write their names on them. I think it looks pretty cool, and it's a great way to get people's locations without having them write on the whiteboard (gotta save that for pretty things).

full view

upper left corner

Second is Claire. It is true that what you see below is not a whiteboard, but rather a toilet paper pyramid. The details on FB are a little fuzzy, but I'm guessing Claire meant that the door in the pic is the RA's door, and he/she sells those "communal" TP rolls. Regardless of what they are, they still have relation to the blog in an abstract way (for which I feel very clever for discovering): instead of T-rolling, this pic is TP-rolling. Haha, get it? I threw that extra "P" in there and made the abbreviation part of the...y'know what, stop looking at me like that. Captain Obvious is obvious for the oblivious out there.


The final feature of this post is for Ian. I'm just guessing from his determination and this particular photo that he's going to have several epic whiteboards. The story behind this one is that the smoke detector spazzed out at 1AM when someone burned popcorn, so someone did a little relatable trolling...and someone else did some very random trolling. If you can't determine which is relatable and which is random, call the Mental Health Hotline; based on their recording, they're quite helpful...

It's a pie! It's a fire! It' cheese?

Well trollios, that's all I've got for tonight. Keep trolling.

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